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Getting Started

The first step in your journey!

Tom Shively avatar
Written by Tom Shively
Updated over a week ago

We all know the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first step in this journey is getting your account set up. In this article you will see how to set up your account. First, you will get an invite from your brokerage or team inviting you to Rayse. Then you will be able to set your password and log in to Rayse!

Getting Started

  1. You will see an email titled "Welcome to Rayse."

  2. Select Finish Registration.

  3. From here you will be able to set your password.

    1. (NOTE: Your password will need to be between 10 and 50 characters and have at least one capital letter, lower case letter, number and special character from the following list {!@#$%^&*})

  4. You may review the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy here.

  5. Select Create Rayse account.

  6. You will now see your new Rayse account!

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