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Updating Account Information

Update your account.

Tom Shively avatar
Written by Tom Shively
Updated over a week ago

One of the best parts of going through this journey with your clients are the deep and lasting relationships you build with them. At Rayse we would like to help you create those bonds. You can share as much information with your clients as you'd like, such as your bio, license number, or even your social profiles. So, when your client would like to refer you to one of their friends, its as easy as sharing your information.

Updating Account Information

  1. Select your agent photo in the top right corner.

  2. Select Edit Profile.

  3. On the top your can reset your password, if you need to change it.

  4. Next you can add in your personal information.

    1. Upload or update your photo.

    2. First and last name.

    3. Email.

    4. Phone.

    5. License Number

    6. Bio

  5. Finally you can add your social channels.

  6. After you make any changes, make sure to select Save on the bottom.

  7. All this will show to your clients which they can share.

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